Pool Rehab

  • Pool Lifts
    Pool Lifts
    A  pool lift  for handicapped people is a mechanized seat which is tasked with raising and lowering a disabled or injured person into a swimming  pool . This seat usually features some type of restraint to keep the individual in question from leaving the seat voluntarily or from simply falling off.
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  • Pool Access Chair
    Pool Access Chair
    Pool Access Chairs are an ideal solution for swimming pools with ramps or zero depth entries.  These access chairs are constructed from medical grade PVC and feature an anti-tip design with non-rusting parts. Made to withstand harsh environments, they are great for use in showers, locker rooms and pool environments.
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  • Pool Bikes
    Pool Bikes
    A pool bike can be seamlessly added to most any pool for an ultimate aerobic and fitness experience. Are you training for a triathlon or need to exercise for rehab? Swim and run against the current, then drop in the bike and train for that leg of the race – all in the comfort of your own home. And, the best part is that training on a pool bike puts less stress and pressure on your joints. Water’s weightlessness allows you to work out as hard as you’d like while minimizing the soreness you might normally feel after biking on land.
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Showing 1 - 20 of 33 items

Pool exercise equipment for rehabilitation such as pool lift, pool access chairs and pool bikes.

American quality Health Products specializes in providing affordable products that are of the highest quality.
